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TechEthos – Ethics for Technologies
with High Socio-Economic Impact

The Challenge

New and emerging technologies are expected to generate new opportunities and offer a wealth of socio-economic benefits. However, in the early stages of their development, these technologies also pose a number of potential ethical challenges and societal consequences.

In light of this problem, it is important to ask: how can we prioritise ethics and societal values in the design, development and deployment of new and emerging technologies, particularly those with high socio-economic impact?

Our vision

Ethics by design, or in other words, to bring ethical and societal values into the design and development of technology from the very beginning of the process.

Our approach

TechEthos addresses the growing ethical challenges and expectations regarding new technologies by:



the technology horizon to identify 3-4 emerging technologies carefully selected by our team for their potential socio-economic impact on our societies and challenging ethical issues



each of these technologies in terms of ethics, policy and legal implications and societal awareness and acceptance with academia, industry and the general public alike



ethical and legal frameworks and operational guidelines to support the research community in integrating ethics concerns and societal values into research protocols and technology design

The TechEthos project is coordinated by AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. Nine additional partners and seven Linked Third Parties complete the project team.


The TechEthos project – Ethics for Technologies with High Socio-Economic Impact – has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement no. 101006249.